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Market Research / Survey

Objective classification | Compilation | Analysis | Dissemination

Market research/survey is an organized and objective classification, compilation, analysis, and dissemination of information for the purpose of assisting management in decision making related to the identification and solution of problems and opportunities in marketing.

We offer Market Research/Survey Services to a wide range of clientele network. This research is carried out by the expert team of our company and is being offered at the best rates in the industry. Our wide service range includes Primary Research, Secondary Research, Customer Retention Marketing, etc.

For both, Primary and Secondary Research, the research is done to promote the services. Our team focuses on the study of choice modelling, market trends, risk analysis, product research, market segment and competitor analysis. This research is carried out by the expert team of our company and is being offered at the best rates in the industry.

We also offer clients a wide range of market based research solutions. Our specialization in providing customized quantitative & qualitative research is backed by a team of experienced staff as well as effective usage of modern. We offer:

Qualitative Market Research

The qualitative research facilities offered by us is delivered using skills of experienced industry professionals who help us in successfully gathering in-depth understanding of human behaviour as well as the specific reasons that govern human behaviour, buyer attitudes and beliefs. We help our clients arrive at a definite pattern of decision making of the focused group.

Quantitative Market Research

Quantitative research is about asking people their opinions in a structured way so that you can produce hard facts and statistics to guide our clients which includes customer surveys and questionnaires. It can be face-to-face, telephonic, e-mail, or online. This helps our clients in providing more result oriented data and develop in-depth consumer analysis to tackle both the competitors and market.

Competitor Market Analysis

Get on top of your competition

As the name suggests, competitor market analysis is a study of the companies in a specific sector that are competing with a company's products or services. The analysis may be an in-depth analysis of the top competitors, or a larger number of competitors could be examined (typically with less depth in the analysis). In most cases, we will have identified the target competitors for you.

As a policy, we follow the following set of steps to help our clients benefit from us:

Domestic Market

Domestic Market Research observes opinions in a particular area. We pay close attention to local and national markets and analyze such information in context of geographic, demographic and psychographic considerations for the region of study.

International Market

Global Market Research consists of conducting market research in other countries or conducting multi-country studies. We analyze cultural differences, geographical conditions and economic factors that influence purchasing decisions and opinions keeping in mind the risks and opportunities for many companies.

We are a thorough player in analysing the Domestic as well as the International Markets. Through SWOT analysis (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat), we identify, track and devise appropriate strategies to counter-attack competitors moves and help our clients, stay ahead of them.

Financial Viability Analysis

Essential to the sustenance of an organization

The preparation of reports on the financial viability of a project is essential to the sustenance of an organization. The financial analysis focuses on the financial viability, stability, and the profitability of the project. Moreover, regular financial analysis ensures timely changes in the strategies of business for betterment. The Financial Viability report prepared by us helps the client reframe its structure accordingly and provide access to comprehensive financial information. Some of the tools we employ to determine viability are:

Industry Analysis

Analysing conditions in an industry at a particular time.

Our Industry Analysis aims at analysing conditions in an industry at a particular time. Our expertise includes the study of behaviour of the market towards that industry and studying relations between competitors, suppliers, and customers. Understanding the different factors at work (social, political, economic, technological, and legal) within a given industry is essential to effective planning for any company. Hence, it is advised that pre to the competitive analysis, one must be sure that what kind of industry they are entering into and once the product category is identified, what will be the sector in which the product falls . Once this is established, we can initiate research envisaging on the potential impact to begin and identifying the major organizations in the industry.

Macro Analysis

Analysing the factors that effect the decision making.

There are many factors in the macro-environment that effects the decisions of the managers of any organisation. The major classifications are as under:

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